Top 5 Supermarkets in Munich/독일 슈퍼마켓
When I first arrived in Munich, the first thing I had to figure out were grocery stores. It's so normal to go to one supermarket for something specific - this one for meats, this one for veggies, etc. These were the five I alternated in between.
한국인이 뮌헨에서 살아남는 방법: 한국음식은 아껴먹기... 그래도 밥은 먹어야하기에! 독일 슈퍼마켓을 하나하나 다 돌아보았습니당. 스테이크가 먹고싶을땐 어떤 슈퍼가 좋은지, 싱싱한 야채는 어디가서 사야하는지 골라봤어용!
5. Lidl
If you've lived in London, you'd agree that Lidl is the place to go when you're trying to save money for your groceries. But as cheap as the prices are, the Lidls I've been to in Munich were a bit grubby and yucky. Food on crates on the floor, picking up fruit from a huge cardboard tub... It looked a bit of a mess. Also, discounted meat is great but not when it's pale as fuck. So I used to go only for things like cured meat or freezer food.
리들은 본 슈퍼중에 제일 별로... 땅바닥에 굴러다니는 과일보고 충격, 핏기하나 없는 고기보고 더 충격... 냉동음식이나 오래 있어도 썩지않는 절인고기를 싸게 사고싶을때는 가기좋은곳! 저는 여기에서 제일 많이 사던게 냉동감자튀김이나 프로슈토였던것같아요!
4. Aldi
Aldi was like a German Tesco for me. If you were in a hurry to buy meat, Aldi's isn't that bad. Probably processed meat rather than fresh steak or anything like that. Some of their own-brand products were quite good in terms of price and quality, like jam, or ready-made desserts.
알디는 점점 나아지는 슈퍼인것같아요. 급하게 고기가먹고싶다 하면 맘놓고 갈수있는 곳. 요즘 알디는 점점 패키징도 고급스럽게 만들어서 팔고 그래서 좀 정성들이는느낌? 이미 만들어서 파는 디저트도 괜찮은것같아요!
3. Tengelmann
Tengelmann was the first grocery store suggested by the German locals. It's quite cheap and the quality isn't too bad either. I believe they have a Vinzenzmurr concession that sells meat, which is quite trustworthy, but I never buy meat here because there's a weird smell around the meat section. Not really sure why. But it's a great place to buy basics, like pasta, yogurt, flour, etc.
뮌헨 한인마트갔을때 추천받았던 탱글마트! 고급퀄리티는 아니지만 착한 가격에 있을거 다있는 슈퍼에요! 사실 여기 고기는 추천하지않습니당... Vinzenzmurr이라는 정육점이 붙어있는데 항상 좀 찌든내 난다는... 햄이나 소시지 이런건 사도 뭔가 돼지고기, 소고기, 닭고기는 사기 좀 찝찝해용...
2. Edeka
Open 7 days a week in Hauptbahnhof, this supermarket is huge enough for you to find everything. An amazing range of chocolates and snacks!! You can find a good bunch of ready-meals that actually taste okay (kebabs!!) Be careful on Sundays, it is v v busy. To me, this place feels like a good convenience store. Also quite okay with fresh foods!
뮌헨와서 제일 증오스러운건 일요일날 아무곳도 안연다는것... 항상 사람이 붐비는탓인지 홉반호프 에데카는 일요일날도 연답니다! 없을게없는 대형마트 스타일 이여서 편하고 가격도 나쁘지않아요. 독일친구들도 에데카 가서 인스턴트 밀을 많이 사온다는것! 먹을만하고 좋아요! 특히 케밥!
I. Love. Rewe. It's super clean, fancy, a bit Whole Foods-like. Everything looks fresh, meat is packaged nicely and has a nice healthy look to it. Some things may be a bit more pricy, ex. steak, but the quality is great. Though if you look quite closely, their own brand called "Ja" is very modestly priced, and fantastic in quality. If you ever get the chance, visit Rewe flagship on Landshuter Allee 30, 80637 München. Fresh bread, veggies, and all the goodies in one place.
홀푸즈를 가보셨다면 레베를 좋아하실거에요! 깨끗하고 좀더 질이 좋아보이는 슈퍼. 근데 가격도 착해요! 고기질도 엄청 좋아서 스테이크를 해드시고싶으시면 레베를 추천해요. 레베 에서만 파는 브랜드 "Ja"는 심지어 질/패키징도 다른 슈퍼보다 훨씬 고퀄인데다가 가격은 더 싸기도 하거나 비슷해요! Landshuter Allee 30, 80637 München에있는 레베는 천국이랍니다. 없을게없고 올가닉음식도 팔아요!
Figuring out where to buy groceries is not always fun when you don't have a car and takes a few weeks. So if you're moving to Munich, I hope this helps in the slightest bit!
독일친구들도 다 어디가 좋다 얘길해주긴 했지만 직접 가보니 알겠더라구요 어디가 뭐가 좋고 어디가 싼지! 뮌헨이나 독일로 이사오신다면 조금이나마 도움이 되길바래요!
한국인이 뮌헨에서 살아남는 방법: 한국음식은 아껴먹기... 그래도 밥은 먹어야하기에! 독일 슈퍼마켓을 하나하나 다 돌아보았습니당. 스테이크가 먹고싶을땐 어떤 슈퍼가 좋은지, 싱싱한 야채는 어디가서 사야하는지 골라봤어용!
5. Lidl
If you've lived in London, you'd agree that Lidl is the place to go when you're trying to save money for your groceries. But as cheap as the prices are, the Lidls I've been to in Munich were a bit grubby and yucky. Food on crates on the floor, picking up fruit from a huge cardboard tub... It looked a bit of a mess. Also, discounted meat is great but not when it's pale as fuck. So I used to go only for things like cured meat or freezer food.
리들은 본 슈퍼중에 제일 별로... 땅바닥에 굴러다니는 과일보고 충격, 핏기하나 없는 고기보고 더 충격... 냉동음식이나 오래 있어도 썩지않는 절인고기를 싸게 사고싶을때는 가기좋은곳! 저는 여기에서 제일 많이 사던게 냉동감자튀김이나 프로슈토였던것같아요!
4. Aldi
Aldi was like a German Tesco for me. If you were in a hurry to buy meat, Aldi's isn't that bad. Probably processed meat rather than fresh steak or anything like that. Some of their own-brand products were quite good in terms of price and quality, like jam, or ready-made desserts.
알디는 점점 나아지는 슈퍼인것같아요. 급하게 고기가먹고싶다 하면 맘놓고 갈수있는 곳. 요즘 알디는 점점 패키징도 고급스럽게 만들어서 팔고 그래서 좀 정성들이는느낌? 이미 만들어서 파는 디저트도 괜찮은것같아요!
3. Tengelmann
Tengelmann was the first grocery store suggested by the German locals. It's quite cheap and the quality isn't too bad either. I believe they have a Vinzenzmurr concession that sells meat, which is quite trustworthy, but I never buy meat here because there's a weird smell around the meat section. Not really sure why. But it's a great place to buy basics, like pasta, yogurt, flour, etc.
뮌헨 한인마트갔을때 추천받았던 탱글마트! 고급퀄리티는 아니지만 착한 가격에 있을거 다있는 슈퍼에요! 사실 여기 고기는 추천하지않습니당... Vinzenzmurr이라는 정육점이 붙어있는데 항상 좀 찌든내 난다는... 햄이나 소시지 이런건 사도 뭔가 돼지고기, 소고기, 닭고기는 사기 좀 찝찝해용...
2. Edeka
Open 7 days a week in Hauptbahnhof, this supermarket is huge enough for you to find everything. An amazing range of chocolates and snacks!! You can find a good bunch of ready-meals that actually taste okay (kebabs!!) Be careful on Sundays, it is v v busy. To me, this place feels like a good convenience store. Also quite okay with fresh foods!
뮌헨와서 제일 증오스러운건 일요일날 아무곳도 안연다는것... 항상 사람이 붐비는탓인지 홉반호프 에데카는 일요일날도 연답니다! 없을게없는 대형마트 스타일 이여서 편하고 가격도 나쁘지않아요. 독일친구들도 에데카 가서 인스턴트 밀을 많이 사온다는것! 먹을만하고 좋아요! 특히 케밥!
I. Love. Rewe. It's super clean, fancy, a bit Whole Foods-like. Everything looks fresh, meat is packaged nicely and has a nice healthy look to it. Some things may be a bit more pricy, ex. steak, but the quality is great. Though if you look quite closely, their own brand called "Ja" is very modestly priced, and fantastic in quality. If you ever get the chance, visit Rewe flagship on Landshuter Allee 30, 80637 München. Fresh bread, veggies, and all the goodies in one place.
홀푸즈를 가보셨다면 레베를 좋아하실거에요! 깨끗하고 좀더 질이 좋아보이는 슈퍼. 근데 가격도 착해요! 고기질도 엄청 좋아서 스테이크를 해드시고싶으시면 레베를 추천해요. 레베 에서만 파는 브랜드 "Ja"는 심지어 질/패키징도 다른 슈퍼보다 훨씬 고퀄인데다가 가격은 더 싸기도 하거나 비슷해요! Landshuter Allee 30, 80637 München에있는 레베는 천국이랍니다. 없을게없고 올가닉음식도 팔아요!
Figuring out where to buy groceries is not always fun when you don't have a car and takes a few weeks. So if you're moving to Munich, I hope this helps in the slightest bit!
독일친구들도 다 어디가 좋다 얘길해주긴 했지만 직접 가보니 알겠더라구요 어디가 뭐가 좋고 어디가 싼지! 뮌헨이나 독일로 이사오신다면 조금이나마 도움이 되길바래요!
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